Sunday, February 21, 2010

Friday, February 12, 2010

If 32-year-olds Acted Like 2-year-olds, They'd...

  • Wear diapers, and when doing a #2 shout "bye, bye!" if someone came into the same room.
  • Scream at the top of their lungs at the littlest things--like a pants leg being crooked or a coat collar poking them in the cheek.
  • All have transitional objects or "lovies" that accompanied them to board meetings, on visits with their tax lawyer, and on dinner-and-a-movie dates.
  • Like doing the same things over and over, whether watching a certain movie or riding a ride at the amusement park.
  • Enjoy looking at themselves in the mirror and saying "pretty hair."
  • Get really excited every time they saw the moon.
  • Sharply rebuke you if you stole their center of attention by trying to sing to the same song.
  • Make funny burping noises on visits to the grocery store, at times running down the aisle and saying "Running!"
  • Be the smartest and cutest 32-year-old around. :)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Snow and a Haircut

The other day when it snowed...and Sarah today getting her haircut. What a big girl!