Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Sarah had a 6-month checkup at the pediatrician on Monday, and he was "floored" by her progress. At two years, she was only saying 10 or so words and was not as interactive with the doctor. Monday, though, she pointed to all her body parts as he named them, as well as saying a bunch of other words from things in the room.

We see her everyday so don't notice the progress as much, but I know Sarah has indeed exploded the past six months in her language (she know her letters and can read almost 100 words), her numbers (1-20), her social skills (she says "hi" to people, give them five, has little problems with one-on-one interaction), and her motor skills (climbing stairs, going down slides, running well, etc.).

Sarah is behind still in some areas like feeding herself with utensils, drinking from an open cup, and eating more of a variety of foods, so we might draft an Occupational Therapist--since our insurance will cover it--for a little extra help in those areas. Whatever can help her be less frustrated operating in her daily world and more successful as she gets old enough for school soon.